Time is going way too quickly. I can't believe I will be 23 weeks pregnant tomorrow, if you take into account it's unlikely I will go full term due to being type 1 then I probably only have in the region of 13-16 weeks left to go! It's not that I had forgotten that this probably wouldn't be a 40 week pregnancy, I was just reminded of it on Tuesday when I was at the hospital and saw a different midwife who reiterated to be prepared for things to start happening at 36 weeks. I know that doctors prefer to wait as long as possible (if safe) and that 38 weeks was probably the average. But then I started thinking 36 weeks will be 1st June, I don't plan on finishing work till 8th June!
I like the fact that I know I won't go overdue (must add that to the benefits of diabetes list) as at least I can be slightly prepared and I won't have that endless uncomfortable wait at the end of my pregnancy. But I guess now I pretty much should be prepared for any time in June. Cue slight mild panic. Though I am sure I am not the only pregnant woman to fall asleep thinking of what needs to be done before the baby arrives, how many days I have left at work to finish all my projects, what else we need to buy, how many pay packets will come in before my maternity leave etc etc. I also haven't mentioned that I am off to Australia for 3 weeks in a months time (plenty more posts to come on that later) so my head is now gearing up to that too.
So I need to relish my pregnancy and enjoy it whilst it lasts, it's not quite coming to an end but it's well underway. I should enjoy the sleeplessness just me and my thoughts because soon enough it will be a whole other type of sleeplessness I'm facing!
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