Two years ago today I married my fantastic and handsome husband (otherwise affectionally know as dad-to-be on here!) I thought this deserved a little post and a chance to share a couple of my wedding pics.
My diabetes thankfully didn't get in the way (too much) on our big day. My pump securely sitting in my big cycling short pants underneath my dress and my blood tester in my handbag along with some jelly babies . My blood sugars were fine throughout the day, I think I ran a little higher at times to ere on the side of caution (like 10 mmol/L) and I remember this picture of me being taken testing blood sugar just before we left the hotel for the ceremony.

I was on target before we sat down to eat our delicious wedding breakfast - tomato soup in bread for me (leek and potato for everyone else), sausage & mash followed by strawberry jelly and ice cream. The only problem I had and thankfully this happened right at the end of the night was my infusion set came off when I went to the toilet, it got caught on my dress and I just saw blood coming from my tummy. Blood and an ivory dress! Luckily no damage was done, my blood sugar was actually a little low at that point (probably all that dancing!) and so it wasn't a problem that I had to wait till we got back to the hotel to put a new set in. I am so thankful that this didn't happen in my last minute dash to the toilet at the ceremony.
My blood sugar was still a little low the next morning and I didn't feel too great, I then over compensated and it went too high which left me feeling pretty rubbish the rest of the day.
But to be honest I don't even think about those things when I look back now, I remember what a great day we had with all our family and friends and how I am lucky to have found my best friend for life.

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