I've just finished writing my next diary feature for Sweet Magazine and emailed it off to my editor.
This issue it's all about the switch to my insulin pump, I hope it doesn't put the non-pump users off reading it, hopefully my silly stories will keep them amused.
Anyway when I was writing it I remembered that I meant to write a post when I started this blog with all my diabetes statistics pre-pump, so then I/we could compare my progress months down the line. So here goes...
Age: 29
Height: 5ft 6 and 3/4 inches
Weight: 60.6kg
Hba1c: 8.1%
Insulin: Levemir & Novorapid
Doses: (on average)
am: Levemir - 9 units
pm: Levemir: 7 units
B/fast: 8 units
Mid-morning: 1 unit
Lunch: 6 units
Dinner: 6 units
Total Daily Dose: 37 units
So the first development is my total daily dose has already dropped and is averaging at 27-30 units per day!
I'm going to be waiting in anticipation for my next hba1c result, I'd love it to be below 7.5%, watch this space...
(Thanks to Nellie Ryan for my wonderful illustrations!)
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