Yesterday I had a few issues with my blood meter. My blood sugar was clearly low, but my meter wasn't sure: 5.3 followed by a 4.4 then a 7.3! Followed by a 4.7 then a 3.7 - can you tell I don't trust it?! I'm obsessed at the moment, it's ridiculous, I have to test enough without having to test again to check the first test was accurate!
Looking back at how many times I tested to confirm what I already knew seems a bit crazy, but I just wanted to see what bizarre results it would throw at me. These were all consecutive tests some using exactly the same drop of blood and fair enough I'll admit it I hadn't washed my hands immediately before. Half an hour earlier it had read 14.4 so I had corrected. The morning before my blood sugar was 15.4 on waking, I corrected, ate my breakfast and took insulin for that; later that morning I had a hypo and wasn't quite sure why, now I am thinking was it really that high in the first place?
So, I have been doing some tests comparing my Optium Xceed meter with a One Touch Ultra Easy meter I recently got. I have been washing my hands for those who think that's the reason for these results and I have been changing the needle in my finger pricker as well.
This morning on waking Xceed said 9.8 and One Touch said 5.3 (then 6.3) - a distinct difference that could result in me taking a unit of insulin more/less than I needed.
I've just done the same now, who knows what my blood glucose really is, see for yourself.

I just had dinner and tested myself before, this time I had 3 meters! A new Optium Xceed I had as a spare read 15.4 and the One Touch read 15.8. At last some consistency but not good as my blood glucose is high.
I can't believe the inconsistency in something so vital. I would love to know if anyone else has had these problems too?
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