As you've probably read I'm getting married next year and as well as seeing the sights of London this week we have been planning to catch up on our wedding plans. Yesterday we met up with the photographer Paul White at the Photographer's Gallery to see his work and vet him out as a potential wedding photographer. He has a really style and some great shots.

We also ventured to St Paul's Cathedral for a whistle stop tour, an amazing building, we climbed up the many steps to the dome, however I couldn't quite manage the tight, spiral, wrought iron staircase to the very top, not my cup of tea.

Speaking of tea, the highlight of my day this week is definitely the cafes! Yesterday was a pot of tea and the last scone in St Pauls. Today's caf probably scores top marks for the 'most impressive cafe on a day out' EVER. The V&A cafe, like an extravagant ballroom, amazing, especially with a nice cup of tea in hand.